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  • Northeast Harbor
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
1592Yachting Cap worn on A. Atwater Kent, Jr.'s boats
  • Object, Clothing, Cap, Sport Cap, Yachting Cap
  • Recreation, Yachting
  • Zeidel & Co.
Yachting cap with stitched emblem that incorporates the burgee of Philadelphia's Corinthian Yacht Club on the left (triangular burgee with white background, red cross, and blue corner) and A. Atwater Kent, Jr.'s personal signal flag on the right (red field with a blue K outlined in white). Label inside the hat indicates that it was sold by Zeidel Uniforms of Port Washington, Long Island, New York and West Palm Beach, Florida.
1712Sign for Pine Bough Antiques
  • Object, Sign, Identification Sign, Signboard
  • Businesses, Other Business
Wooden sign for Pine Bough Antiques, an antiques and rare book shop operated by Rick and JoAnne Fuerst from 1976-2018. The store was located at 117 Main Street, Northeast Harbor. This sign hung off the front of the building and is therefore double sided. Looking at the two sides, green painted frame on one side is more weathered than the other. The two-sided sign has green lettering and a green frame, and pine bough is painted in the upper left corner. [show more]
1711Sign for Wikhegan Old Books
  • Object, Sign, Identification Sign, Signboard
  • Businesses, Other Business
Wooden sign for Wikhegan Old Books, a rare book shop operated by Rick and JoAnne Fuerst from 1976-2018. The store was located at 117 Main Street, Northeast Harbor. This sign was removed from the building before the business closed, when books were sold from Pine Bough Antiques The sign is two sided and appears to have had a brown frame, which no longer survives. Brown paint appears beneath where the frame would have been.
1536Half model of a Luders 16 Sloop
  • Object, Model
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat
  • Smallidge - Robert Lindsay Smallidge Sr. (1896-1982)
Half model of a sloop, perhaps a Luders 16, with a Genoa jib, made by Robert L. Smallidge Sr. of Northeast Harbor. Model's hull is varnished, and uses various wood types for topsides, waterline, and bottom, while the sails are painted white. The model and sails are mounted on a pine board. On the back of the model is #6, R.L. Smallidge, N.E. Harbor, Me.
1252Postcard Asticou Stepping Stones
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
1128Northeast Harbor Grain Store
  • Object, Sign, Identification Sign, Signboard
  • Businesses, Other Business
1132Postcard of Northeast Harbor with Yachts
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat
1133Postcard of Northeast Harbor with Yachts
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat